May 27th - Dublin

O'Hare to Heathrow to Heaven

by Rebekah Keyster

Anxious bodies and minds lead to one long sleepless night.

Wednesday morning our travels began with our initial meeting at O'Hare. From there on British Air we took our flight to London. Upon landing we quickly exchanged currency for food and shopping; then gathered to review our trip destinations and assignments.

Exhausted from not sleeping for 30 hours, but glad to be in Ireland, the group rests below the statue of Daniel O'Connell on Dublin busiest intersection.
But oh, the view on the flight into Dublin! Aerial views are amazing, but when the clouds clear over Ireland, there's an immediate glory!

There is not much glory, however, in the automotive transportation: adventure, claustrophobia, and wrong-side driving, yes. But not a whole lot of pleasure.

Our hotel is fabulous, and so is the night life.

No, Lanny, we don't know any Irish pub songs yet, but give us a chance. We are hearing one now at the oldest pub in Ireland.

The Brazen Head pub was first open for business in 1198. As one student remarked, "That was even before Braveheart!"
The pubs and the people seem to give Ireland a special spirit. Natural and man-made beauty surrounds us, but much, much more awaits.

Group on Hapenny Bridge (QT Movie 636 k)
